/, Lunches, Oil Free, Recipies, Savoury, Uncategorized/BOTTOM OF THE FRIDGE DRAWER SOUP


So I was questioning whether to call my quinoa salad a recipe or not – well this is definitely not a recipe!  More of a reminder to reduce waste and make a tasty meal with those sad looking, slightly wilted vegetables in the fridge drawer.  I have to admit that I used to throw veg away a lot.  It was perfectly usable but I have this requirement that all my new shiny veg must sit alone in the fridge, not be surrounded by old wrinkly stuff.  Tipping those bits of veg in the bin is ok I told myself, they wouldn’t come to much so its not waste.

But NO!  I now make veg stews and soups that feed my whole family for two days with these wrinkly morsels.  Obviously I’m not perfect and occasionally the odd vegetable does bite the dust but it is easily avoidable.

I made this soup with the ingredients shown in the picture but there are really no rules, whatever you have – chuck it in.  I’ve used radishes and lettuce before now.  Fry an onion in a little oil and then add the rest of the ingredients along with enough water to cover and a stock cube.  Or leave out the frying for an oil free soup.

Once its cooked whizz with a blender and I like to add some extra roasted veg for texture as a sprinkle.  This time I used some broccoli, cauli and sprouts.

I would love to see some pictures of your bottom of the fridge drawer soups and stews, please share them 🙂

By |2020-06-16T12:09:34+00:00July 12th, 2019|Dinner, Lunches, Oil Free, Recipies, Savoury, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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